Clarissa Willis has been involved in early childhood education for over 30 years. Her experience includes public school, early intervention, curriculum development, and teacher training. As an author, trainer, teacher, special educator, grant administrator, and parent, Dr. Willis offers a unique perspective on early childhood development and special education issues.
Clarissa Willis embraces an inclusive learning environment that will prepare you for the path ahead. She incorporates traditional learning styles as well as hands-on experiences in her workshops and keynote addresses. Contact Dr. Willis for customized professional development.
Clarissa is the author of 19 Teacher Resources books, including Teaching Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. A few of her books are highlighted here. In addition, she is the author of Critter Invasion. Her historical children's book Fast As the Wind, The Story of Johnny Fry, won a Will Rogers Medallion Award in 2023. Since that time, she has written I Can! (Frog Street Press), Bloomers on Pike's Peak: The Story of Julia Archibald Holmes (Solander Press) and The Three Little Pigs and the Not So, Big Bad Wolf (Solander Press).
Fast As The Wind The Story of Johnny Fry Pony Express Rider has been named a finalist in the Will Rogers Medallion Award for Best Children's Picture Book 2022. The Winners will be announced in October.
Dr. Willis will be speaking in Fargo North Dakota, in August for a Head Start Back to School Professional Development Day. With this presentation, she will have presented in all 50 states.
Fast As The Wind The Story of Johnny Fry, Pony Express Rider and
Anderson the Ornithologist, will be featured at the largest international rights book fair in the world in October.